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  • The so-called Cox Report unequivocally declared that the People’s Republic of China had been stealing U.S. nuclear technology throughout the 1990s and that those secrets would allow the Chinese to develop a sophisticated nuclear arsenal more rapidly than had been anticipated.

    Superfusion Zachary Karabell 2009

  • The so-called Cox Report unequivocally declared that the People’s Republic of China had been stealing U.S. nuclear technology throughout the 1990s and that those secrets would allow the Chinese to develop a sophisticated nuclear arsenal more rapidly than had been anticipated.

    Superfusion Zachary Karabell 2009

  • The so-called Cox Report unequivocally declared that the People’s Republic of China had been stealing U.S. nuclear technology throughout the 1990s and that those secrets would allow the Chinese to develop a sophisticated nuclear arsenal more rapidly than had been anticipated.

    Superfusion Zachary Karabell 2009

  • How about the chinese espionage "scandal" which was also a right wing hack job that proved to be absolutely bogus aided and abetted by our good friend Rep. Chris Cox and his wholly discredited Cox Report.

    Hullabaloo 2004

  • I liked the presence of Norm Dix (ph) there, who was co-chairman of the committee that produced the Cox Report on Chinese espionage in the United States.

    CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2001 2001

  • If you go and you look at the Cox Report, the Cox Report is pretty clear that what can have the biggest impact on modernizing in China is if they resume testing.

    Press Briefing By Joe Lockhart ITY National Archives 1999

  • Federal investigators [Cox Report] later concluded that China made off with the "crown jewels" of our nuclear weapons research under Clinton's open-door policy - probably including design specifications for suitcase nukes.

    Latest Articles 2009

  • And Charles Foster Bass added: "Like any good spy novel, the Cox Report alleges that Chinese spies penetrated four U.S. weapons research labs and stole important information on seven nuclear warhead designs."

    Canada Free Press 2009

  • Federal investigators [Cox Report] later concluded that China made off with the "crown jewels" of our nuclear weapons research under Clinton's open-door policy - probably including design specifications for suitcase nukes.

    Latest Articles 2009

  • "Like any good spy novel, the Cox Report alleges that Chinese spies penetrated four U.S.

    Nachrichten Heute (Nachrichten Heute, Hintergrundinformationen und Berichte) : Kurzversion 2009


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